This begins Ian McEwan's novel "Atonement" (dt. "Abbitte") from 1999. It is the story of a young girl, Briony, aged 13. who likes to become a famous writer on day. On a hot asummer day she sees her older sister Cecilia flirting and exposing herself quite freely to Robbie. Being emotionally and mentally agitated and confused she later accuses Robbie of sexually molesting her cousin Lola not knowing that she thereby changing the lives of all three. Robbie is arrested and lovers separated.
In the second part Robbbie is as a soldier in the Second World War.
Part three shows Briony becoming a nurse. She now believes that ist was not Robbie but Paul Wallace who raped Lola. She feels guilty. Working as a nurse caring for wounded soldiers seems to be some sort of redemption for her. Briony finds Cecilia who broke with the family and promises to atne for what she has done. All talk about legal procedure to rehabilitate Robbie.
In the fourth part Briony is old and ill. She publishes a novel about the events we have read about so far and learn the both Cecilia and Robbies have died, not married. Obvioulsy Briony never met the two to make amends for her lie. So telling the truth at the end is her way of atoning for her lies she has never had to courage to withdraw therefore giving this tragic couple some happiness in a literary work of art. "McEwan lässt sie alle Stationen des christlichen Bußprozesses durchlaufen: Herzenszerknirschung, mündliches Beichtbekenntnis, Werke der Genugtuung. Erlösung kann es am Ende trotzdem nicht geben - da denkt McEwan wieder in den Koordinaten der klassischen Tragödie." writes Evelyn Finger Die Zeit (39, 2002). For further reference see Atonement on and Ian Mc Ewan's Website.
This November the film version is being shown in Germany starring Romola Garai as Briony, Keira Knigthley as her older sister Cecilia, and Vanessa Redgrave as the old Briony. I was fascinated by this adaption, particularly by the way the camera focussing on facial expressions of the major characters in long and slow shots. We also get individual perspective on the events. Keira Knightley is superb as Cecilia. I can only hightly recommend this movie version. On the German Movie website there are more clips from the film.

Ian McEwan's works are fantastic. I had the chance to meet him twice, once during my time at Exeter University, where gave a reading from his short stories "Firt Love Last Rites" and then again in Cheltenham 1999, when he read the first chapter from "Atonement". Here is the photo. Gi